Dreaming Events Will Give You 100% Personalized Attention For Your Unique Wedding

Having them organise and be present in such a special and intimate event is a previlage that many couples wish they had.

Dreaming Events Will Give You 100% Personalized Attention For Your Unique Wedding
Photo: Dreaming Events
  • Destination weddings
  • Recomendations
  • Sponsored

“Dream it, find it, love it”. This is the motto of Dreaming EventsThis wedding planner based in London will give you everything you need to make your wedding unique. The reason for them is simple: to be able to offer all the couples everything you need in the most personalized way possible. Choosing them will mean that you and your partner will end up with a wedding that is so personalized, that no other couple could ever have the same event. Curious to know more about this exceptional wedding planner? Keep reading to find out more!

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Credits: Dreaming Events

About Dreaming Events

Dreaming Events is a company specialized in the organization of all types of events. The professional did not start off as a wedding planner initially but worked as Event Manager for MICE Market. The knowledge and experience gained here led him to obtain the courage and drive to start his own business. The experience in all types of events and not solely weddings, give him a great benefit over other wedding planners. Because of this, thinking outside of the box will never be a problem and everything you want to have on your wedding day is possible in his eyes.

When we asked Dreaming Events what words would best describe him as a wedding planner he came up with approximately 30 words. The fact that he took the time to write down all of these words already proves one of the characteristics named by him, that being a perfectionist. When we asked him what style of weddings he organizes he said that he didn’t have a particular style, but that he thinks wedding planners should know how to adapt and above all be perfectionistic. Other words that describe Dreaming Events are, professional, open-minded, sensible, imaginative and hard-working. 

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Credits: Dreaming Events
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Credits: Dreaming Events

About you 

Your wedding is all about you and if there is anything Dreaming Events understands perfectly, then it is that statement. With this wedding planner you will receive 100% personalized attention. The end objective is for you to be able to celebrate the wedding that you have always dreamed of. They will make sure that you and your partner picked the theme you’ve always wanted and adapt this to the perfect location. Even if you have no idea about a theme yet, they will be there to take your hand and guide you along every step of the way. The team of professionals has an infinite number of ideas for your wedding day that they love to share with you. Whether it is about the location, decoration, weather or time schedule: they will be here for whatever you need.

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Credits: Dreaming Events

Experienced professionals 

As we mentioned before, Dreaming Events has experience in the organization of different types of events. Besides different types, they also have experience with different locations. Apart from the British market, they also have over 10 years of experience of the Spanish market making it the perfect option if you want a combination of these cultures. They are able to get you perfect deals, because they are in touch with the best vendors in both countries.

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Credits: Dreaming Events

The most challanging thing for them is also the thing they love most about their job: to make people’s dreams a reality and to find the right atmosphere. They do this with a small team of professionals and make it happen time after time. Every couple is unique to them, but the ones that are unforgettable are the couples that made them feel like they were one more guest at their wedding. Having them present in such a special and intimate event is a previlage that many couples wish they had.

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Credits: Dreaming Events

Are you convinced that Dreaming Events would be the perfect match for your wedding? Get in touch with them through their Zankyou page!


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