Orchardleigh Estate

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Orchardleigh Estate

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Located in Frome, Somerset - and a short drive from the heritage city Bath - Orchardleigh Estate is a grand country house with ample room for all of your guests, no matter how small or extravagant a wedding you're planning. 

They have in-house catering, and several beautiful locations for the ceremony to take place, as well as an in-house wedding planner who can assist you. Weddings at this wedding are very exclusive, and are truly romantic. 


What are the key features of the venue?
Garden, Terrace, Guest accommodation, Panoramic views
What special menus can you offer?
Vegetarian menus, Allergy friendly menus
Do you have more than one event running at the same time?
Non-exclusive use, can host several events on the same date
Price range
Does the reception have a time limit?

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City: BA11 2PB


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