WedDo Agency

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WedDo Agency

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  • Price from: £5,000

"WedDo Agency turns anything you want, even the impossible ones, into reality!"

Over the years, we have encountered some of the funniest or most challenging situations, and the experience of many weddings abroad has shown us how important adaptability is, so that you have a carefree wedding. WedDo Agency comes with solutions to meet your needs and real benefits for the choices you’ve made. We make your wishes come true for your big day!

If you have often dreamed of joining your destiny with your loved one in an extraordinary place, we, the WedDo Agency team, help you to be like in a dream, and you to be invited to your own wedding! Although marriage abroad may seem difficult, we are with you and take care of absolutely everything. Regardless of the country where the marriage takes place, we consider planning the religious wedding officiated by the priest, the civil union and obtaining the necessary documents for issuing the marriage certificate recognized by the Romanian authorities and establishing the set-up of the after-party. With WedDo Agency you won’t leave the beach unmarried!


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