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Villa della Porta

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Homepage Wedding Venues Wedding Venues Napoli Wedding Venues Vico Equense

Villa della Porta

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Villa della Porta, in the province of Naples , is a magnificent ancient structure that preserves scents, flavors and colors of other times. A magical place that recalls the beauty of past traditions; an ideal location to celebrate your wedding, where attention to detail is guaranteed and where everything becomes pure pleasure, both for the eyes and the palate.

In fact, the restaurant lives up to the rest of the structure: the food served is of the highest quality, and the staff, expert and courteous, is always very helpful and attentive. Professionalism and competence is what distinguishes this splendid wedding venue, whose welcoming and refined environment makes it definitely a pearl of the Campania region.

A magnificent historic home surrounded by nature and far from the chaos of the city, ideal to remember your big day forever.


What kind of wedding venue would you most like?
Natural garden
What are the key features of the venue?
Garden, Terrace, Marquee, Parking, Cultural interest, Guest accommodation, Panoramic views, Disabled access
Can the wedding party be held outdoors?
Outdoor banquet, Outdoor cocktail party

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City: 80069


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