Steven Rooney

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Steven Rooney

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Award Winning Creative Documantary Photographer offering a relaxed and modern approach to wedding photography

I’m a creative and modern documentary wedding photographer covering Manchester, Liverpool, Cheshire and the rest of the UK.  If you’re looking for a creative photographer offering natural, relaxed and fun images from your wedding then you’ve come to the right place. My approach is mostly journalistic but I love to be creative. Nothing cheesy, nothing too traditional, nothing boring.  just good photography telling the story of your day from start to finish.

I’m a photographer, a creative and an all round nice chap. And I realise that planning a wedding is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

So if you’re planning to get married and like the idea of journalistic wedding photography with a creative twist please get in touch for more information and I’d be happy to meet you for a coffee, a beer or a hot chocolate if it’s really cold!


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