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Homepage Wedding Venues Wedding Venues Plaines Wilhems Wedding Venues Curepipe


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Nitzana is a hotel located in Mauriitius islands. The hotel offers spatious  and comfotable rooms with a private entrance, free parking and access to swimming pool. A  vaiety of facilities make every stay comfortable and relaxing. Several dining options allow you to choose between cooking your own meal or visiting unique Nitzana restaurant. The restaurant provides a variety of cuisine including Indian Cuisine, local Mauritian and Chinese or international European delicacies. The restaurant has a walk-in policy for breakfast,lunch and dinner; however, we cater for pre-arranged bookings as well.The restaurant opening times are as follows:

The Nitzana complex is situated close to amenities you may need during you stay including supermarkets and shops, bars, cafe and other tourist attractions. The team of the hotel  speak English, French and Hindi fluetly, so they will ensure your stay will be comfortable. 


What are the key features of the venue?
Garden, Terrace, Swimming-pool, Parking
Price range
Mid price

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City: 7876


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