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Hiva Oa Hanakee Pearl Lodge

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Homepage Wedding Venues Wedding Venues Polynésie Française Wedding Venues Fatu-hiva

Hiva Oa Hanakee Pearl Lodge

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Hiva Oa Hanakee Pearl Lodge is situated in the slope of Atuonas Bay, in French Polynesia. the resort offers comfortable bungalows designed in traditional Polynesian way. the hotel is perfectly located cclose from the airport. Professional and attentive team will make your stay nice and relaxing. unique and exotic atmosphere of an island makes every stay unique and special.

Enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of the island and ocean views from your private terrace. The restaurant of the hotel offers the unique gastronomic experience for every guest. You can try local and international dishes with exclusive cocktails and drinks from the hotel bar. 


What are the key features of the venue?
Garden, Terrace, Swimming-pool, Sea views - beach weddings, Panoramic views
Price range
Mid price

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City: 69866


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