Game and Flames

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Game and Flames

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Game and Flames offer exciting packages for your special occasion. Masters of outdoor cooking, specialising in wild game we can cater for your event in true spectacular style. Picture this- Your guests arrive to see mouth watering pieces of meat cooking slowly over burning hot coals, not only does it taste amazing but the theatrical experience is something else!

Our Game and Flame chefs are trained and experienced with outdoor cooking and strive to give you a day that would long be remembered.

However We don't just cook over open fires, if you would prefer a more traditional style we can happily cater for this type of reception. If the venue does not have a usable kitchen, do not worry we can hire and supply our own, we are very flexible!

Take a look through our pages and gather some inspiration. Please note our menus are ONLY templates and we are more than happy to alter them to suit your occasion. Whether you are after your favourite meal or simply want to talk through something new and exciting we are HERE!

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